Reply To: Oh, For Todd’s Sake: Angries’ Roster Move Angers League’s Expert

USML Forums Forums Brad Being Brad Oh, For Todd’s Sake: Angries’ Roster Move Angers League’s Expert Reply To: Oh, For Todd’s Sake: Angries’ Roster Move Angers League’s Expert

Mark Kerber

What about the Man Behind the Man?  I mean Saks, of course.  Remember the Rips in their prime?  Silent Mike in the background, pulling the strings on the little Brad marionette (and occasionally kicking Brad under the table on draft day when he thought no one was looking).  The Dick Cheney of the USML.* 

Isn’t it obvious what’s happened with the Angries?  Hail to Brad Saks, the new master puppeteer!


*Gratuitous Republican reference to encourage Bhudda’s participation in this e-mail string