From the wire: “Winick on Winick,” the Comcast reality series featuring roto god Jeffrey Winick, will go on hiatus after Sunday’s USML reporting period ends. The original plan was for the series to run through the USML trade deadline. “If Winick’s Berliners were trading at the Riptorns’ pace, we would continue,” producer Mike South said Wednesday. “Also, there is some fan fatigue. And we have had difficulty finding some fan of Winick to watch this show.” South said there still could be a season-ending retrospective, especially if the Berliners somehow can climb out of last place. But it’s doubtful the show will return on a weekly basis. “There’s only so many scenes we can show of Winick prattling on and on about Brandon Wood with Winick’s son at his side, crying and begging his daddy to stop it. It just was too painful,” explained South.