Cowgill, I’m A Fan
Song by Neil Young
Lyrics By Brad History
Hello, Cowgill, I’m a fan
I didn’t think
You’d get so panned.
I’ll keep you active
For awhile–
Maybe that would make
Andy smile.
You’re not top-rated
But there’s no shame.
Wait till B.J. Upton
Pulls up lame.
It’s the Winick mystique
That makes me want
To make a trade.
Hello Balfour in the pen
Who’d have thought
You’re such a friend.
Earned two saves
And you’re divine.
Time to trade you,
piss off Andy Klein.
You’re old enough
To be Adams’ dad-
I’m sorry your trade
Made Blocker sad.
It’s the Winick mystique
That makes me want
To make a trade.
Hello Jesus of my dreams
Are you just part
Of Winick’s schemes?
Just year one
And so alone–
(I should have gotten Sogard
For Adam Jones.)
Not much left now
To make a deal
Except there’s Elvis–
Is Yu for real?
It’s the riptorn in me
That makes me want
To play this game….
Next up: Dunn By The River