Smoky Burgos Fires Up Flagging Riptorns

USML Forums Forums Brad Being Brad Smoky Burgos Fires Up Flagging Riptorns

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    • #2833
      Brad Jansen

      “He’s every bit as dominant as Bobby Jenks, and he’s 3 years younger,  in better shape and only cost $2 more than Craig Hansen.  I think you know of whom I speak,” exclaimed baseball rotiserrie fetishist Jeffery Winick. “Amboy Burgos has saved 1/2 –that’s right, *one-half–* of the Royals’ victories this season.  Not even the aged and fading Mariano Rivera could cut that kind of mustard back in the day.  This kid has and will dominate and I only wish I had anyone remotely like that on my team.  Burgos is such a stud that I think  Andy Klein will continue to pay for MLB satellite TV just to check him out.  In the meantime, I’m headed to the Cell this weekend cos the Royals are in town and I promised Brad Lee I’d get Huber’s autograph.  Si si, my lads, and know I’m thinkin’ of each and everyone of you!”

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