[USML Announce] Ask Andy

Brad Jansen bljansen at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 11:29:21 EDT 2011

Dear Professor:
   Whenever you send an email, your photo appears in the upper right hand
corner of my gmail page. It's professional looking and all that but it sort
of creeps me out to have you smiling at me when I read your emails moaning
about all your bad trades this season. Can you make it stop?

Brother Brad Lee

Dear Andy:
   Can you tell us that story again about all your bad trades this season?
Mark Kerber

Dear Andy:
   Brian Matusz: how about him? Call me after next Wednesday. You have my
number right? Never mind, I'll call you.
With warmest regards,
Jumpin' Jeff Winick

Dear Andy:
    My box of Mighty Red Hots--2012 USML Champions tee-shirts just arrived.
I promised--PROMISED-- myself I don't dare open it until next Wednesday
night. I have dozens of extras and want to give you one. What size do you
sport? Never mind. Just come on over Wednesday and we can spray each other
with champagne.
See ya!
Rich Robbins

Dear Andy:
   Who's there?
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